中文黄页 – Chinese Yellowpage Ottawa
Canada China News publishes weekly newspapers that is available to over 65,000 Chinese readers. Many of those readers visit our website as well. We help to connect our visitors with the businesses we have listed in our directory.
Many potential customers search your business online first, so make sure you have coverage on the most popular Chinese news websites in Ottawa. We use both English and Chinese to list your business and also provide a FREE (for a limited time) Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to ensure that your listing will appear on Google’s search pages.
Give us a call today to get started – 343-463-6669
阳光旅游 708 G Somerset St., Ottawa
代理各大航空公司机票和各大酒店, 专业设计订造个人或团体世界旅行团, 世界游轮, 巴士及顺道游。代办各类签证服务
陈劲 Jim Chen Keller Williams Ottawa Realty
陈平 渥太华资深华人律师
陈振龙 Chen 专业地产经纪 613-407-9999
* 新移民 留学生 免费买房谘讯 * 准确把握投资房产最新市场动向 * 免费到府估价 * 信誉效率品质第一
口碑至上,努力做到最好!地毯清洁(两房)$49.95起,专业家庭清洁4小时 $65起,软垫沙发清洁 $69.95起
地址:710 Broadview Ave.,Ottawa
Entreprise Concept Plus Inc.
供应并安装雨槽 / Supply and installation of Eavestroughing.
移除或更换旧雨槽 / Removal and replacement of old Eavestroughing.
TRex终身保修 / TRex - lifetime warranty
雨槽清洁 / Eavestrough cleaning
封檐板、屋檐底板更换或全新安装 / Soffit/Fascia replacement or new installation.
25年的材料和做工工艺保修 / 25 year warranty on materials and workmanship.