
从左至右:《中华导报》CEO郑丙峰先生,中华人民共和国驻加拿大大使馆公使衔文化参赞林迪夫先生,刃刃的先生Vincent Stapleton,女儿美琳Stapleton,加拿大外交部长John Baird先生,刃刃的女儿佳丽Stapleton,皇都地产总裁、原《中华导报》社长白刃刃女士,刃刃的母亲王美佳女士,林迪夫公参夫人一等秘书张海云女士,《中华导报》高级媒体策划杨铭先生,新华社驻加拿大首席记者张大成先生,《中华导报》办公室主任肖磊先生,《人民日报》驻加拿大首席记者李学江先生
三月十九日,加拿大外交部长John Baird先生,为皇都地产总裁、原《中华导报》社长白刃刃女士颁发了伊丽莎白二世女王继位六十周年纪念钻禧勋章。外交部长John Baird先生称赞白刃刃女士为加强社区不同族裔的交流做出了贡献,是一位促进中加关系发展的“民间大使”。中华人民共和国驻加拿大大使馆公使衔文化参赞林迪夫先生及夫人一等秘书张海云女士,《人民日报》驻加拿大分社社长首席记者李学江先生,新华社驻加拿大分社社长首席记者张大成先生,《中华导报》CEO郑丙峰先生,加拿大外交部Regional Director John Light先生,交通部副部长助理Andy Wang先生出席了颁奖仪式。
Dear Renren,
On behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, I am pleased to award you the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, created to mark the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to the Throne.
In granting you this honour, I thank you for your dedicated service to your peers, to your community and to Canada. The contributions you have made to our nation are most commendable and deserve our praise and admiration.
I wish to convey to you the heartfelt congratulations of your fellow Canadians, to which I add my own.
David Johnston
Governor General of Canada (加拿大总督)
Dear Renren,
It is a great honour and privilege to award you with a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of your dedication to our community and service to Canada.
It is through the benevolence and personal commitment of outstanding individuals like you that Canada’s communities have grown so strong and have helped make our great nation the best place in the world to call home.
Your efforts and outstanding achievements in the Ottawa business community are an example of this commitment and I am pleased to recognize your contributions.
For more than 60 years, Her Majesty has served Canada and the Commonwealth with great distinction and selfless dedication. Her extraordinary reign is indeed something to be celebrated and it is quite fitting to honour it in this way.
Please accept my best wishes and heartfelt congratulations.
John Baird, P.C., M.P. (加拿大外交部长)
“To our country’s great credit, Renren Bai has called Canada home for the past nine years. She is a shining light and a leader not only in the oriental community but in the National Capital Region as a whole. As publisher of the Canada China News and a successful businesswoman, Ms. Bai is deeply committed to helping immigrant women integrate into our beautiful city. Congratulations, Renren, on receiving Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. You deserve it for helping to make the best country in the world an even better place in which to live.”
Royal Galipeau, M.P., Ottawa-Orléans, was one of the Deputy Speakers of the House of Commons (国会议员、前议会副议长)
Dear Friends,
I am very pleased to extend my congratulations to Ms. Renren Bai, an outstanding Canadian and a leader in the Ottawa Chinese Community. Ms. Bai has recently been awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal in recognition of her many contributions to the Nation’s Capital and its people.
In just nine years, Ms. Bai has singlehandedly achieved what many would need a lifetime to accomplish. She has built a successful real estate business and an award-winning newspaper for the Chinese Canadian community, and served on the executive of the largest Chinese community organization in the region. She has developed positive relationships with government officials at all levels and throughout it all, she has supported and encouraged new immigrant women, providing them with the opportunity to realize their potential and to contribute their own talents and skills to their community.
Her desire to improve the lives of those around her lies at the heart of all that she does and all that she has accomplished – both in the private and public sectors. Renren Bai has dedicated her time and her formidable leadership skills to make life better for the people of the Nation’s Capital Region.
Congratulations once again to this outstanding Canadian.
Hon. Mac Harb, Senator (参议员)
I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to Renren Bai, the previous owner and publisher of Canada China News, as you receive the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
Canada is a country built through the efforts of people from varied backgrounds, and we embrace the richness and diversity of our many cultural communities.. Through each of our own unique contributions, we all add a special part to our country’s cultural mosaic. Community-based media such as Canada China News provide an important service to our visible minorities by informing them about what matters most to their readers. By being a voice for the vibrant Chinese-Canadian community, the staff of the Canada China News strengthen the multicultural society that Canadians are proud to call their own.
As the Member of Parliament for Richmond, please accept my congratulations for your great accomplishment, and I applaud your tireless service. You are definitely a shining example of what is best in the Canadian spirit.
Yours sincerely,
Alice Wong,
Member of Parliament for Richmond (加拿大老年部部长)
Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre
Congratulations to Renren Bai
Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient
It is my pleasure to offer my congratulations to Renren Bai for being selected as a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient. This honor is presented to outstanding Canadians who have made a significant contribution to their communities and brings credit to Canada. Renren Bai certainly is a deserving recipient.
Since settling in Ottawa nine years ago, Ms. Bai has become a respected contributor to the Chinese community – acquiring and developing the Canada China News (CCN) so that it continues to grow and thrive under new ownership. She is past vice-president and present advisor to the Federation of Ottawa Chinese Community Organizations (FOCCO), the largest Chinese community organization representing 40 Chinese groups in Ottawa.
Ms. Bai is well known among Chinese immigrants in Ottawa, hiring immigrants to work for CCN. Under her direction, CCN has become an important resource for the Chinese community, providing relevant articles promoting good health and encouraging families to become involved in their communities. Renren Bai has herself been actively involved in the United Way, the Asian Festival, Family Sport Day and many other social, religious and civic activities promoting good citizenship and fitness and health in the community.
Renren Bai was nominated by the Ottawa Chinese Community Services Center for the 2012 Immigrant Women Services Ottawa (IWSO) Business Award Winner, she is the President of Capital VIP Realty, the real estate brokerage firm she owns and manages. She has encouraged Chinese immigrants to start their own businesses and become professionals in the legal, medical and real estate fields. Ms. Bai has supported the Ottawa Chinese Women’s Association by presenting on a number of topics from goal setting to overcoming difficulties in a new country.
As business owner and Canadian citizen, it is clear that Ms. Bai has provided significant support and guidance to Chinese immigrants. As Executive Director of the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC), an agency dedicated to assisting immigrants settle and thrive in Ottawa, I congratulate Renren Bai on being a very worthy recipient of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal!
Sharon Kan
Executive Director
Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC)
Sharon Kan was a research consultant for the former Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, the Manager of Settlement Services for the Catholic Centre for Immigrants as well as the manager for Reception Center for refugees.
The OCCSC has been providing immigrant settlement services in Ottawa since 1976 and provides a number of essential immigrant services such as settlement support services and counseling, employment services and language training.
“Congratulations Renren! It brings me great pleasure to learn that you have received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. This is a well-deserved award for the countless hours you have dedicated to benefit your community and beyond.”
Pierre Poilievre, MP for Nepean-Carleton, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (国会议员、交通部副部长、前总理国务秘书)
“I would like to congratulate Renren Bai for the great work she has done at Canada China News. She is one of the most dynamic young entrepreneurs in Ottawa. The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal is a fitting recognition of her accomplishments.”
Randall Denley, a former Citizen staff columnist and member of the editorial board who has been writing about city and provincial politics since 1992. He is also the author of three novels. (公民报资深记者)